New Year’s Eve in Canmore

You know you’re taking a lot of photographs when it takes more than 48 hours to put together a time-sensitive blog post! Processing star trails from three of the past four nights is taking quite a bit of time, so I decided I’d better take a break to share some highlights from Canmore’s New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Our practice is we avoid crowds whenever possible, so rather than going down to join the family New Year’s celebration at “The Pond”, we opted to head out to what we hoped would be a good vantage point to watch the 9:30 fireworks show from a distance. We star gazed and listened to coyotes yipping in the distance while we waited for the short fireworks display.

The view of Canmore townsite from where we watched was pretty good, too. Mr. GeoK made this photograph of the town, with Mount Lady MacDonald in the background, which shows the location of the family fireworks display in the trees at the far left.


I set up my camera in a slightly different location. As soon as I heard the first fireworks go off, I took a series of 4 second exposures. Here are my favourites from the 3 minute show (and yes, I did some post-processing for colour, otherwise four of them would have been white):

Some towns and cities held fireworks celebrations, but others (like Calgary) did not. Did you have the opportunity to view New Year’s fireworks wherever you celebrated the start of 2014?

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