Geowoodstock VIII – Part 3 “Midnight Geocoin Madness II”

We arrived at GC1Y7F7 Midnight Geocoin Madness II with fairly high expectations, anticipating a compressed version of our experience at Geocoinfest 2009. But when we left a couple hours later, we had only traded about 25 of our new personal geocoins. It seemed to us that many attendees were there to socialize. Or maybe it was a reflection of the prolonged economic downturn and the fact that there weren’t all that many attendees with personal geocoins to trade.

As a result, the highlights for us were meeting dronnard, another cacher from Alberta (we’ve supported a couple of his geocaching events in past years) and watching peanutbutterbreadandjam‘s first foray into the world of geocoin trading (he was the guy offering a free piece of string with every trade)! We also very much enjoyed visiting with other CONVOY members and meeting some of the folks we’ve traded coins with over the years.

At the end of the evening, we come away with a couple dozen new(to us) geocoins and the realization that geocoins are definitely not the main focus of Geowoodstock and associated events. Lesson learned: if we want to do LOTS of coin trading, attend Geocoinfest.

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